
We desire to have Stories of Antisemitism (SOA) Partner Congregations in every American city with a Jewish community. Partner congregations engage with their local Jewish communities by doing the following:


Take our pledge.

Stand with the Jewish people against all forms of antisemitism, including harassment, disparagement, demonization, delegitimization, and perpetration of violence

Advocate for the safety, dignity and rights of Jewish people

Report all witnessed instances of antisemitic crimes to the proper authorities

Report antisemitic images, memes and tropes across all social media platforms

Seek opportunities to show solidarity and friendship to our Jewish community.


Join our growing network of leaders who come together to intercede for our American Jewish community.


Inform and educate your congregants concerning the rise of antisemitism and the needs of Jewish people.


Respond to antisemitism by joining community outreaches, and getting involved in response efforts.

Become an SOA Partner Congregation.

    Take the Pledge

    We share deep concern for the Jewish people in light of increasing antisemitic activity. Take our pledge to stand with Jewish people against the rising tide of antisemitism.


    Tell Your Story

    Stories have the power to change hearts and minds. Stories help us to care, to love, and to take action. Tell us your story and help us show others how antisemitism affects Jewish people.
